Vol. 10 no. 1 (2022) Special Issue: Alevi Kurds: History, Politics and Identity Front matter Kurdish Studies Kurdish Studies PDF Editorial Editorial: Alevi Kurds: History, Politics and Identity Umit Cetin PDF Articles Modinomics Vs Manmohanomics: A Comparative Review Of India's Economic Indicators (2009-2019) Dr. Rakesh Bhati PDF Socio-Political History of Kasaragod in Kerala Manikkuttan Meethale Purayil PDF Politics and Identity in Alevi Kurds: An interview with Martin van Bruinessen Umit Cetin PDF A Survey of the Roots and History of Kurdish Alevism: What are the Divergences and Convergences between Kurdish Alevi Groups in Turkey? Suavi Aydin PDF Reflections on the 19th Century Missionary Reports as Sources for the History of the (Kurdish) Kizilbash Ayfer Karakaya-Stump PDF Political Representation of Alevi Kurds in Turkey: Historical Trends and Main Transformations Cengiz Gunes PDF The Struggle to Unite Diaspora Alevis and the Working Class: Alevism in the Kavga/Kervan Magazine Tuncay Bilecen PDF Diasporic Homeland, Rise of Identity and New Traditionalism: The Case of the British Alevi Festival Cemal Salman PDF Language Attitudes and Religion: Kurdish Alevis in the UK Birgul Yilmaz PDF “Aspirational Capital” and Transformations in First-generation Alevi-Kurdish Parents’ Involvement with Their Children’s Education in the UK Celia Jenkins PDF Unregulated Desires: Anomie, the “Rainbow Underclass” and Second-generation Alevi Kurdish Gangs in London Umit Cetin PDF Book Reviews Book Reviews • Martin van Bruinessen, Michael M. Gunter, Joost Jongerden, Michiel Leezenberg, Stanley Thangaraj PDF Login Register Make A Submission Keywords Kurdish StudiesKurdsmigrationTurkeyKurdishKurdistangenderSyriaimmigrationIraqIraqi KurdistanrefugeesmediadiasporaMigrationfamilyAlevismRojavaYezidisautonomyUnited StatesKurdish studiestransnational migrationIranstereotypesminoritiesAlevisactivismEuropesovereigntyareal linguisticsPKKIndiaBalkans