Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Service Reality of the Civil Status Department and Its Impact on the Citizen ''challenges and Solutions"

Raghad Sameer Sadiq
University of Baghdad, Collage of Education for Women department Sociology.
Athmar Shaker Majeed Hamid
University of Baghdad, Collage of Education for Women department Sociology.
Keywords: Civil Status, Nationality, Services, Registration, Institution..


The relationship between the security institution and its provision of services to citizens within the framework of Iraqi society entails numerous paradoxes. When considering the security institution's roles in security, social welfare, and service delivery to citizens, a complex dynamic emerges.In essence, the dissemination of security and the delivery of institutional services to citizens are integral components of the responsibilities undertaken by security authorities. These responsibilities are rooted in principles such as understanding, satisfaction, and adherence to the rule of law.The challenge lies in elucidating the nature of the disparity between the service-oriented tasks of the security institution and the citizen's needs in civil affairs.

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