Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Inspired by Geometric Formations From the Asiri Cat and Islamic Art Using Digital Art to Produce Artistic Artifacts to Encourage Tourism

Nashwa Mohamed Abd El Aziz
Department of Home Economics - College of Culture and Arts- Abha - King Khalid University, P.O. Box 3236. Abha,
Naglaa Muhammad Farouk Qandil
Department of Home Economics - College of Culture and Arts- Abha - King Khalid University, P.O. Box 3236. Abha,
Amani Muhammad Badir
Faculty of Specific Education - Mansoura University-egypt,
L. M. Elwakeel
Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Science and Arts in Tihama, King Khalid University, Muhayil Asir 61913, Saudi Arabia,
Keywords: Artwork - Al-Asiri Cat - Formations - Islamic Art - Tourism - Digital art..


Islamic art and Asiri art were combined to produce artistic works characterized by authenticity and contemporaryity in order to express the heritage of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to encourage internal and external tourism to the Kingdom. Therefore, the practical experience was based on the production of bags for packing gifts, which carry the artistic decorations of the Asiri cat, which expresses the aesthetics of this art, and when Islamic art is combined. With Asiri art, it confirms the antiquity of this art, so it could be the goal of the research Geometric formations can be inspired by the Asiri cat and Islamic art using digital art to produce artistic artifacts to encourage tourism.

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