Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Benefiting From the Asir Decorations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and their Relationships with the Plastic Values of African Art to Enrich Print Designs

Naglaa Muhammad Farouk Ahmed
Associate Professor at the College of Culture and Arts Department of Home Economics - College of Culture and Arts- Abha - King Khalid University, P.O. Box 3236. Abha
L. M. Elwakeel
Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Science and Arts in Tihama, King Khalid University, Muhayil Asir 61913, Saudi Arabia
Ali Abdullah Marzuk
Department of History and Archaeology- College Of Arts And Humanities- King Khalid University
Hana Mfowz Alfawaz
Department of Art education - Faculty of Education - Qassim university
Keywords: Asir motifs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - the plastic values of African art - to enrich print designs.


The exhibition dealt with combining three axes: the axis of the Asir decorations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the axis of the plastic values of African art, and the axis of the artistic aesthetic aspect with different printing techniques and the connection between them.The exhibition aims to present new approaches to the printed artistic painting by employing the various Asiri motifs present in the environment in innovative formulations based on diverse African art, which possess the beauty of form and unity of production. One of the most important results is that it is possible to benefit from the Asir decorations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through African art using different printing techniques to obtain new plastic aesthetic values in the printed artistic painting.The experimental approach was used, represented by the design and implementation of a set of proposed designs for artistic hangings, which were implemented using the Asiri decorations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and their relationships to the plastic values of African art to enrich print designs, and the use of the descriptive and analytical approach in describing the Asiri decorations, analyzing their aesthetics and techniques, and identifying the plastic values of African art and in describing These works were analyzed to reach the results, and the most important results were the following: It is possible to benefit from Asiri decorations and the plastic values of African art in creating new designs in the field of printing.

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