Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Aesthetics of the Pop Art School and the Recycling of Materials and Their Impact on Enriching the Artistic Work

L. M. Elwakeel
Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Science and Arts in Tihama, King Khalid University, Muhayil Asir 61913, Saudi Arabia,
Naglaa Muhammad Farouk Qandil
Department of Home Economics - College of Home Economics, Abha - King Khalid University, P.O. Box 3236. Abha,
Nashwa Mohamed Esam mohamed
Department of Faculty of Specific Education as aTeacher of technical works at the Mansoura University Egypt,
G. A. Alamry
Department of Home economics, Faculty of Art and Science, king Khalid University,Abha 62529, Saudi Arabia,
Keywords: the Pop Art - recycling of materials- the artistic work.


Pop Art in general: considering it a visual art movement. It depends on exploiting everything that exists in reality. This art depends mainly on the artist's vision. The artists of this school used widely used materials that were characterized by their limited beauty. Many artists considered it a visual re-evaluation of the events and reality that a person experiences in his daily life. This art was characterized by its low cost, as it was a youthful art that led to good commercial investment. When he appeared, he aimed to extract high art from different public situations. Artists in this art usually get their inspiration from consumer goods and advertisements on the roads and various storefronts. This art represents citizens' freedom of expression. This art began with photography and drawing. This art shows different styles in drawing. It was the first work of the Indirahole Foundation Therefore, the research turned to producing artistic artifacts using the Pop Art concept and recycling materials

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