Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Role of Corporate Governance in Information Quality and Strategic Decisions –making

Dr Nahla Al-Nour Muhammad Al-Makki
Principal investigator, Assistant Professor of Accounting Sciences in King Khalid University
Keywords: decision making - information quality - governance - strategic decisions.


This study aims to identify if the application of the role of corporate governance in information quality and strategic decisions –making, the analytical and descriptive approach was adopted to measure to what extent the commitment to corporate governance affects improving strategic decision-making in the small enterprises in the Kingdom of Saudi, the study population consisted of almost from the small enterprises, including commercial, service and industrial enterprises in the city of Riyadh , the sample of the study was selected of (112), the questionnaire was distributed to the random sample selected of the small enterprises. (112) of the distributed questionnaires were answered, representing the study population. the researchers came up with the following findings: There is a statistically significant relationship between corporate governance and (improving information quality and strategic decisions making in the small enterprises). There is a statistically significant relationship between the corporate governance and improving information quality in the small enterprises in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There is a statistically significant relationship between the corporate governance and making strategic decisions in the small enterprises in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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