Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Embodied Cognition of Metaphorical Discourse from A Phenomenological Perspective

Niu Huijun
Universiti Utara Malaysia, School of Languages, Civilisation and Philosophy, Malaysia.
Hani Qasem Mohammed Asaad
Universiti Utara Malaysia, School of Languages, Civilisation and Philosophy, Malaysia.
Keywords: Phenomenology, horizon, metaphor, discourse, embodied cognition.


This study delves into the intricate relationship between embodied cognition and metaphorical discourse from a phenomenological standpoint. Metaphor, as a fundamental aspect of human language and thought, often relies on the body's experiential and sensorimotor dimensions to convey abstract concepts. From a phenomenological perspective, this study explores how individuals engage in metaphorical thinking, drawing on their embodied experiences and sensory perceptions to make sense of the world. A series of empirical studies demonstrate how metaphors are cognitive tools and embodied and enactive processes. The study explores the neural underpinnings of metaphor processing and highlights the role of the body in grounding abstract concepts in concrete experiences.Additionally, it investigates the cultural and contextual variations in metaphorical discourse, shedding light on the dynamic nature of embodied cognition within different socio-cultural settings. Furthermore, this study examines the implications of our findings for fields such as education, communication, and psychology. Understanding the embodied nature of metaphorical discourse can lead to more effective teaching strategies, improved cross-cultural communication, and enhanced therapeutic interventions. By appreciating how the body shapes our metaphorical expressions and interpretations, we can gain deeper insights into the human mind and its connection to language and meaning. In conclusion, this study advances our understanding of the intricate relationship between embodied cognition and metaphorical discourse from a phenomenological perspective. It underscores the importance of recognizing the role of the body in shaping our conceptualizations of the world, shedding new light on the fundamental processes that underlie human language and thought.

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