Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Gen-Z Shoppers, Perception in Rural and Urban Areas About E-Logistics Service Quality for Online Shopping

Kiet Hong Vo Tuan Truong
Department of International Business, Faculty of Business Administration, FPT University
Ngan Tran Thuy Pham
Tri Minh Nguyen
Tuyen Thi Kim Tran
Huong Thi Bich Nguyen
Minh Thi Ngoc Do
Student in International Business, Faculty of Business Administration, FPT Universiy
Keywords: urban and rural, Gen z shopper, e-logistics, online shopping.


The purpose of this paper is to identify rural and urban Gen Z shopper,s opinions about the quality of e-logistics services and their satisfaction and loyalty. The study was carried out using a quantitative (descriptive statistics, crosstabulation and custom Tables analysis with Chi Square Test ) and qualitative (SWWOT analysis) methods, primary data was collected from 631 people living and working in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam who participated in online shopping. The study found that the Shopee channel on e-commerce platforms was the most appealing to both urban and rural members of Gen Z. In this study, approximately 50% of Gen Z shoppers used e-commerce site between three and five years ago, and more than 84.1% of Gen Z shoppers shopped online less than 6 times/month. Gen Z consumers in urban regions spend 500,000 - 2 million VND monthly (35.5%), while those in rural area spend less than 500,000 VND monthly (13.3%). Gen Z shoppers spend the most money on commodities (84.6%), which included fashionable clothes, health and beauty care, and food and beverages. Customers of Gen Z who live in large cities are more interested with how quickly a website loads than those who live in rural areas. The security requirements of urban Gen Z consumers are higher than those of rural consumers. Gen Z customers in urban area is more concerned about protecting their privacy than those in rural areas. Online shopping loyalty was higher rural Gen Z shopper than urban Z shopper. Additionally, the SWOT analysis proposed 7 strategic solutions with 23 actions to provide viable options in the strategies of expansion (SO), diversification (ST), stability (WO), and protection (WT).

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