Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Exploring the modernity of Nantong board harrier kite design

Jiumei Shen, Changyong Zhu*
Krirk University, Bangkok, 10700, Thailand
Keywords: Nantong board harrier kite; biogenetic; product design; indicator weights; AHP approach.


This paper takes Nantong board harrier kite culture as the research object and explores the modernity of Nantong board harrier kite design. Firstly, we analyzed the theory of design biogenetic and design gene in product design, and compared the process of biogenetic and product design for the limitations, so as to get a product design method similar to biogenetic and evolution. Secondly, the cultural design features of Nantong Pan Harrier kites are analyzed and extracted in depth, and the index weights of product design genes are determined by combining with the AHP method, so as to construct a model of Pan Harrier kites cultural design features index system. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed model is proved through simulation analysis, and the results show that the weight vector of Scheme 2 is 0.2723, which illustrates the practicality of Nantong board harrier kite design under the model of this paper.

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