Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Value Implications and Morphological Transformation of Traditional Chinese Furniture Ergonomics in the Perspective of New Forms of Human Civilization

Yifan Bai, Khairul Manami Kamarudin*, Hassan Alli
Industrial Design Department, Faculty of Design and Architecture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, 43400, Malaysia
Keywords: ergonomics; physical characteristics; furniture design; salience; perceptual cognition.


This paper utilizes the concept of traditional Chinese ergonomics to organically integrate the art of modeling with the physical characteristics of various parts of the human body. By adjusting the proportions, curves and angles in furniture design to reflect the concept of ergonomics, the design concept of traditional Chinese furniture is deeply analyzed and a set of relatively complete furniture design principles is formed. At the same time, the evolution process of traditional Chinese furniture is studied, the law of its historical development is explored, and the characteristics of the new civilization of traditional Chinese furniture are comprehensively examined. From the perspective of saliency, the mean values of practicality and perceptual cognition are 2.876 and 2.543 respectively, which provide useful guidance and inspiration for traditional and modern furniture design

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