Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Bridging and Buffering A Study of the Hiring Process in Wichita Public Schools

Bilal Fayiz Obeidat
College of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Al Ain University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Jamie Finkeldei
Nathan Reed
Cody Rierson
Jean Patterson
Pat Terry
Keywords: Hiring; teachers; Public schools; Wichita; Bridging; Buffering.


The purpose of the study was to examine the bridging and buffering of information between the HR department and building principals in Wichita Public Schools. The researchers used a qualitative research and interviewed 22 principals from 10 elementary and K-8 schools, 5 middle schools, 5 high schools, and 2 special schools. The findings indicate there were both formal and informal examples of bridging and buffering.  Overall, the findings indicate the principals have a high level of confidence in the HR department and their policies and procedures but there are gaps in those practices that individual principals use for the benefit of their school. The researchers recommend that HR continue its attempts to serve the needs of the principals through a focus on customer service.  The research team recommends the continuation of the early hiring fairs where HR brings the best candidates to one location and allows principals to hire teachers on the spot.  Second, the research team recommends that HR continue to review the length of the application and find ways to make the process simpler for applicants to complete and easier for the principals to sort through.

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