Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Social Relations between Faculty Members and Students of the Faculty of Physical Education at Al-Yarmouk University from the Students' Perspective

Dr Ruba Fakhree Mohammad Kharashga
Department of Physical Education, Jadara University, Irbid – Jordan
Dr Khalaf Waleed Khalaf Diabat
Dr Natheir Faisal Mansour Alnuman
Dr Jumana Ahmad Mustafa Naddaf
Dr Amena Ali Deeb Al-dheirat
Dr Tharwat Sayel Muflih Almehsen
Keywords: Social relations, Faculty of Physical Education, Al-Yarmouk University, Faculty members..


The aim of this work is to investigate the social relations between faculty members and students of the Faculty of Physical Education at Al-Yarmouk University from the students' perspective, considering variables such as gender, academic year, place of residence, and cumulative GPA. The descriptive-analytical approach is employed, utilizing a questionnaire as the primary data collection tool. The population of interest consisted of third and fourth-year students of the aforementioned faculty, with a total sample size of 238 male and female students selected randomly. The questionnaire includes 42 items distributed across three dimensions.The results have shown that the level of these social relations was positive across all study dimensions. Furthermore, there were no statistically significant differences in the level of these social relations except for the academic year variable, which favored fourth-year students.Based on the findings, it is recommended to provide the Faculty of Physical Education with the necessary means to enhance positive social interaction between students and faculty members.

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