Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Concept of Dialogue: its Importance and Obstacles

Ansam Amer Farhan Hassan
University of Baghdad College of Islamic Sciences
Heba Adel Al-Azzwi
University of Baghdad College of Arts
Keywords: Dialogue, Interactive Communication, Importance of Dialogue, Dialogue Obstacles.


The concept of dialogue, both linguistically and terminologically, is markedly different from intertwined concepts such as debate, argumentation, and negotiation. Dialogue is considered one of the methods used in any human discourse. In this research, we shed light on its clarification and discussion. Subsequently, we delve into the concept of interactive communication in dialogue, emphasizing that dialogue is based on the foundation of understanding, which involves agreement between individuals to achieve specific goals they aim for. Furthermore, we discuss the importance of dialogue, both internally and externally, and highlight the obstacles that should be avoided in dialogue.

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