Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Styles in the Arab Heritage - Terminological Development Research Extracted from the Doctoral Thesis:(Arabic Patterns in the Modern Linguistic Lesson - Theories and Representations)

Noor Kareem Mutar
University of Baghdad Department of Arabic Language
Haider Abdulzahea Hadi
Ibn Rushd College of Education for Human Sciences
Keywords: The certain, non-certain, predicate, possible, request, composition..


The research seeks to trace the developments which the terms (predicate and composition) went through before it took its current root in the Arabic grammatical and rhetorical lesson. This is through following up the sayings of heritage, starting with Sibawayh and other grammarians who contemplated this terminological binary in their works.After presenting the perceptions, the research tries to answer some questions, including: Is the binary of the Sibawayh terminology the certain and non-certain corresponds to predicate and composition by others or are they different? What type of relationship is between them? What are the reasons for its extinction and the replacement of predicate and composition?

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