Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Level of Marital Distress Among Emirati Families from the Couples’ Viewpoints

Huda Hassan Alnaqbi
Sociology Department College of Art,Science and information technology-University of Khorfakkan United Arab Emirates’ Sharjah,Khorfakkan.
Keywords: marital distress, Emirati families, couples..


The current research aims at identifying the level of marital distress among Emirati families from the couples’ viewpoints. The analytical-descriptive method was adopted in the current research. The research community consisted of (151,314) families, whereas the study sample consisted of (680) married couples, who were randomly selected by cluster sampling. The research results concluded that the level of marital distress among Emirati families, from the married couples’ viewpoints, was moderate. They also concluded that the family upbringing pattern had a negative relationship with marital distress.

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