Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Designing A Virtual Electronic Program Based on Modeling and Simulation for Sixth Grade Physics Experiments

Prof. Dr. Muhsen Taher Muslem
University of QadIsiyah College of Education Department of Educational and Psychological sciences, Iraq
Researcher. Dhuha Allawi Mohammed
University of QadIsiyah College of Education Department of Educational and Psychological sciences, Iraq.
Keywords: Designing ،electronic program، modeling ، simulation.


Objective: This work proposes the use of computer simulation and Javascript programming language to design a low-cost virtual laboratory within an interactive learning environment. The objective is to provide learners with a realistic and immersive platform to understand scientific principles in various fields of science. Theoretical framework: The research methodology involves a step-by-step approach to designing a computerized learning program. The process emphasizes defining goals, selecting content, and organizing frames in a sequence from easy to difficult. Method: Qadisiyah University in Iraq designed and implemented the virtual laboratory at the Faculty of Education. It supports the physics curriculum for sixth-grade learners and offers two practical activities accessible on internet-enabled devices. Results and conclusion: The virtual laboratory implementation enhance the physics curriculum for sixth-grade learners. Its interactive and immersive nature engages students in scientific exploration and understanding. Through computer simulations and virtual activities, learners actively participate in scientific phenomena and develop a deeper comprehension of scientific principles. Implications of the research: Virtual laboratories open new horizons for sustainable education, training learners in scientific principles across multiple fields. Integrating virtual laboratories into the learning environment provides a cost-effective way to enhance science education. The research highlights the benefits of computer simulations and virtual activities in fostering scientific learning. Originality/value: This work contributes to education by demonstrating a practical application of computer simulation and programming language in designing a low-cost virtual laboratory. The findings inform educators, curriculum developers, and educational technology practitioners on utilizing virtual laboratories to enhance science education.

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