Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Smart Urban Green Space Management

Ruqayah Basim Khazaal
Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad
Saba Jabbar Neaamah Alkhafaji
Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad.
Keywords: Smart urban management, green spaces, technology, data, mobility, energy management, resource management, community engagement, governance, sustainability..


Smart Urban Green Space Management is an emerging concept that uses data-driven technology and solutions to manage and improve green spaces in a city. This approach includes various controls and determinants, such as technology and data, mobility, energy and resource management, community engagement, governance, and policy. By integrating these controls and limitations, city planners and managers can develop effective strategies and initiatives to improve the availability and quality of green spaces in the city. The benefits of smart urban management of green spaces include improved air and water quality, reduced impact of urban heat islands, increased biodiversity, as well as social and recreational benefits. This paper provides an overview of the concept of smart urban management of green spaces, its controls and limitations, and its impact on urban spaces in the city.

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