Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Role of Green and Sustainable Supply Chain Management on Achieving Competitive Superiority A Case Study in Wasit Textile Factory

Alaa Abdulsalam
University of MisanFaculty of Adm. and Eco.Business administration
Watheq Hayawi Laith
University of SumerFaculty of Adm. and Eco.Business administration
Ali Jassim Mohammed
University of SumerFaculty of Adm. and Eco.Business administration
Keywords: GSCM, SSCM, Competitive Superiority..


Purpose: This study aims at exploring the extent to which green/sustainable supply chain management (GSCM) and (SSCM) technologies contribute as two independent variables on enhancing the competitive superiority, as a dependent variable. Design/methodology/approach: In order to address the problem of the study, achieve its objective, and test its hypotheses, Wasit Textile Factory was selected as a field for the study, and a purposeful sample of 102 individuals was chosen, represented by the administrative leaders at the three occupational levels. In order to reach the results of the study, a questionnaire was used to collect data, and it was processed and tested hypotheses of the study using a number of statistical methods (SPSS.V 25, Amos V 25, Excel. V 13). Findings: The study found that relying on GSCM and SSCM techniques helps the Wasit Textile Factory to achieve competitive superiority. The study also recommends that the management of Wasit Textile Factory should pay attention to GSCM and SSCM and competitive superiority activities, and work to implement them properly through holding conferences and holding training courses for managers at various administrative levels in the organization to develop performance in the field of GSCM and SSCM and competitive advantage. Originality/Value: The current study was distinguished from previous studies by linking several modern topics, namely GSCM, SSCM, and competitive superiority. Therefore, the current study is considered the first study according to the researcher's knowledge that addressed these variables together.

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