Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Strategic Planning and its Impact on Some Operational Decisions in Oil Production - A Survey Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Administrative Leaders in the Oil Sector in Nineveh Governorate

Dr. Nibal Younis Mohammed Al Murad
Department of Business Management Technologies, College of Administrative Technology, North Technical University, Iraq
Kifah Abdul Karim Issa Al Akidi
Department of Business Management Technologies, College of Administrative Technology, North Technical University, Iraq
Keywords: Strategic planning, operational decisions, oil companies in Nineveh Governorate.


The study aimed to test the impact of strategic planning on operational decisions in some oil companies in Nineveh Governorate. The independent variable, strategic planning, was expressed through dimensions such as analysis, vision, mission, and objectives. The dependent variable, operational decisions, included dimensions such as energy decisions, location decisions, treasury decisions, and supply chain decisions (including transportation and raw materials). The research problem addressed whether the operational decisions in the studied organizations are influenced by strategic planning. To achieve this objective, a hypothetical framework was formulated to reflect the relationship between the study variables and the impact of strategic planning on operational decisions at both the overall and partial levels of their dimensions. The descriptive-analytical method was adopted, and a questionnaire was used as the primary tool for data collection from the field of research (oil companies in Nineveh Governorate). The questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 108 administrative and production leaders. Statistical software (SPSS-v26) was used to analyze the data. The study found several important results, including the existence of a correlation between strategic planning and operational decisions, both collectively and individually. It also found an impact on both the overall and partial levels of strategic planning on operational decisions. These findings led to the presentation of some recommendations and suggestions for the responsible authorities and administrative leaders in the studied companies. These recommendations include setting clear goals and disclosing the main and subsidiary objectives to avoid misinterpretation and achieve them quickly and efficiently.

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