Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Enhancing Work Motivation for University Lecturers in Vietnam: Current Measures and Priorities

Nguyen Dang Trung
Ha Noi Metropolitan University, Hanoi city, Viet Nam
Tran Thi My Luong
Vietnam Women's Academy (VWA), Hanoi city, Viet Nam
Keywords: work motivation, creating work motivation, lecturers, university..


Work motivation of lecturers in educational institutions is a crucial issue that significantly impacts the development of education within universities. The research objective of this study is to propose measures for creating work motivation among university lecturers. The research methodology involves examining both domestic and international studies on lecturer work motivation, while also drawing from the university lecturer training program conducted by the Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam. The research findings shed light on the role of work motivation and strategies for fostering work motivation among university lecturers. It is concluded that current university lecturers should be encouraged in their work motivation through various means, including economic incentives, job enrichment, improving work environments, providing professional development and training opportunities, and implementing fair and objective performance evaluations.

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