Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Effect of a Resource-Based Approach on Creative Performance: An Analytical Study in the Central Bank of Iraq

Mohammed Flayyih Hamzah
PhD student at the University of Baghdad, College of Administration and Economics-Business Administration Department
Ghani Dahham Tanai
Professor at the College of Administration and Economics, University of Baghdad-Business Administration Department
Keywords: resource-based approach, creative performance originality, fluency, flexibility, the ability to solve problems.


Purpose: The research aims to clarify the impact of the resource-based approach on creative performance, Theoretical   framework : a result of the pressures and challenges faced by the Central Bank, which requires competent, distinguished and knowledgeable human resources that prompted the researcher to choose research variables through which to address some problems by providing efficient resources, which are reflected in Creative performance in its dimensions: originality, fluency, flexibility, and the ability to solve problems. Importance: The importance of research variables is represented in helping business organizations focus on intangible assets more than tangible assets. Method/design/approach : (223) male and female employees working in the Central Bank of Iraq, and data and information were collected using the questionnaire, personal interviews, as well as the field presence of the researcher, and the data was analyzed using the statistical program (SPSS_V.19) and a set of statistical methods such as factor analysis, the arithmetic mean, and deviation Normative, coefficient of difference, correlation coefficient (person), and simple linear regression equation Results and conclusion :The most prominent conclusions reached by the research were that the resource-based approach most contributed to the impact on creative performance through the high interpretation coefficients that it presented in general and at the level of dimensions as well, as Resources, whenever they are characterized by value and scarcity and cannot be replaced or imitated, lead to improved performance and make it creative in a different way from others.

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