Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Kidnapping Associated with Rape and Murder a Jurisprudential Study

Kazem Jawad Kazem
Teaching in the Department of Quran Sciences / University of Baghdad Ibn Rushd College of Education
Adel Abdel Sattar Abdel Hassan
Teaching in the Department of Quran Sciences / University of Baghdad Ibn Rushd College of Education
Keywords: kidnapping, rape, murder, abduction of children, criminal punishment.


The crime of kidnapping is one of the crimes that are increasing in Muslim societies, especially since this crime has taken on an unusual character and unknown means than before., and even the goals and objectives of the kidnapping have changed... Before that, kidnapping for ransom was happening and the focus was on wealthy families, but in this era kidnapping falls on any group of society and is accompanied by crimes more heinous than the kidnapping itself, and these images accompanying this crime are the crime of rape and the crime of murder after rape, and this crime often falls on children, whether they are males or females,  Therefore, the research showed the concept of these crimes, the types and methods of kidnapping and rape, the reasons and reasons for the spread of these crimes in our societies, and the position of Islamic law on these acts and what is their punishment specified in Islamic criminal jurisprudence.

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