Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Improving Vietnam Buddhist Information and Communication Activities in the Current Context

Duong Quang Dien (Venerable Thich Thanh Dien)
Vice Chairman of the Central Executive Council of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangh, Vietnam.
Bui Van Kieu (Venerable Thich Dao Thinh)
Member of the Executive Council of the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Buddhist Sangha, Vietnam
Nguyen Van Tuan
Deputy Head of Scientific Research Department on organization Apparatus, payroll, Institute of Organizational Science and Personnel, Vietnam
Keywords: Operational quality; Vietnam Buddhist Sangha; Information Communication..


The importance of communication and information in religion is growing in the current environment. The Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, in particular, presents possibilities and challenges in raising the caliber of communication and information operations. Sharing spiritual knowledge is simpler, but it also calls into question its truth and morality. Fake news and misinformation need to be addressed by the Sangha and society. The growth of social networks has altered how people connect with and share religious teachings, necessitating effective communication tool utilization on the part of the Sangha. Enhancing information and communication activities becomes essential to preserving community moral, ethical, and cultural values. To deal with the potential and problems in an increasingly diversified and rich digital and information age, the appropriate training, awareness, and communication techniques are required.

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