Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net


Sacha Alsancakli
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Keywords: Editorial, Kurdish Studies , Kurds, Kurdish , Middle East , Sacha Alsancakli.


In 2022, Kurdish Studieswill enter its tenth year of existence. During this first decade, our field has continually evolved and diversified and, as we face new challenges and invest in original approaches, it has also become possible to start addressing a few ‘blind spots’ and neglected topics of research on the Kurds. The experiences of Kurds in the former Eastern bloc, and the important scholarship and literature  they produced,  represent such neglected topics of inquiry. This is a regrettable oversight, notably because these scholars, journalists, and artists played a crucial role in maintaining a tradition of Kurdish knowledge and erudition at a time when the study of the Kurds was hindered in the Middle East and underrepresented in the West.

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Kurdish StudiesKurdsmigrationTurkeyKurdishKurdistangenderSyriaimmigrationIraqIraqi KurdistanrefugeesmediadiasporaMigrationfamilyAlevismRojavaYezidisautonomyUnited StatesKurdish studiestransnational migrationIranstereotypesminoritiesAlevisactivismEuropesovereigntyareal linguisticsPKKIndiaBalkans