Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Approaching Pedro Paramo from the View of the Fundamental Vows of the Bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha Sutra

Nguyen Thanh Trung
Linguistics and Literature Dept., Hochiminh City University of Education, Vietnam.
Dang Ngoc Ngan
Linguistics and Literature Dept., Hochiminh City University of Education, Vietnam
Keywords: Pedro Paramo, Kṣitigarbha Sutra, hell, filial piety, Buddhology Criticism.


This article applies structural, cultural-historical method and comparative methods to approach Pedro Paramo (Juan Rulfo’s novel) from the perspective of the Sutra of the Fundamental Vows of the Bodhisattva Kitigarbha. These two objects are clarified in the spirit of interaction and comparison through some similar motifs such as the underworld, ghosts, etc. As a result, this process is practical to initially generalize the relationship between Buddhism and literature from themes, and artistic techniques. From an educational perspective, the research outcomes of this topic have the potential to serve as a scholarly resource on the theory and interdisciplinary research methods in the fields of literature and Buddhist studies. Furthermore, it paves the way for applying Buddhology Criticism in literature and Buddhist studies at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

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