Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Virtual and Augmented Reality in Enhancing the Learning Experience

Hao Chen
The Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon, 14662, South Korea
Keywords: virtual reality; augmented reality; learning experience; spatial transformation; learning scene.


Traditional teaching methods lead to insufficient motivation of students to learn, in order to solve this problem, this paper combines virtual reality technology and augmented reality technology to design. Firstly, it elaborates the advantageous features of VR as well as AR technology and its application in learning. Then based on the theory of learning experience, VR and AR technology are integrated. Finally, through the spatial transformation of VR and AR technology, the corresponding learning scenes are designed for students to integrate into them. The results show that in the chemistry module, the students' hands-on experience index score through the AR/VR learning model is 9.56, and in the children's art module, the p-value of all the indexes is less than 0.01, which can help the learners acquire knowledge at a deeper level.

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