Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Management Strategies for Excavating and Protecting Art Forms in Baoshan Dramatic Music

Hongyan Zhao
KRIRK UNIVERSITY, Bangkok, 10220, Thailand
Keywords: Baoshan dramatic music; feature fingerprint; underlying storage; data characterization; infringement monitoring.


In this paper, the artistic information of Baoshan theater music is stored in the platform, and the music files are effectively chunked and distributed storage. By constructing the characteristic fingerprint data of the music files, the underlying storage target is set, so that the system is equipped with functions such as infringement monitoring. And the regularity prediction of these data makes the system can efficiently call the files stored in it, so that the art form of Baoshan theater music presents obvious data characteristics. In addition, the attributes of the art form of dramatic music were introduced as important analysis elements, and the attributes of dramatic music were clearly presented in the form of a collection. The time for copyright registration of dramatic music increased by only 1.95 seconds, while the slope of the time required for fingerprinting of music file features was only 0.0029. By studying the art form of Baoshan dramatic music, it can promote the exchange and integration of local and external cultures, and enhance the diversity of cultures.

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