Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Evolution of the Morphological Design of Plant and Animal Patterns in the Development of Corporate Brand Identity in the Art of Painting

Yutong Wang
Krirk University International Academy Doctor of fine Arts Program in Artistics, Bangkok, 10220, Thailand
Keywords: BP neural network; topology theory; brand image development; flora and fauna patterns; morphological matching.


This paper first clarifies the design process of corporate brand image development and utilizes BP neural network to derive the relationship between brand styling and morphological imagery of animal and plant patterns. By setting the network parameters, the brand perceptual imagery design is predicted. Then, combined with topology theory, the feature similarity between brand image and animal and plant ontology is calculated to form a topological similarity evaluation knot. Finally, the morphological matching degree is calculated based on the utilization of discrete points to represent the shape contour. The topological similarity of the brand image of the painting art enterprise after design is 7.8, and the cognitive coupling degree with the enterprise features are all above 0.7. The morphological design of animal and plant patterns improves the connotation and implication of corporate brand image development.

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