Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Research on the Role Mechanism and Benefits of Modernized Teaching of Physical Education in Colleges and Universities Empowered by Digital Intelligence Technology

Chuanzhong Wu
Xianda College of Economics and Humanities Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, 202162, China
Bo Liu
Deakin University, Victoria, 999029, Australia
Li Xu
Jiangsu Ocean University. Lianyungang, Jiangsu, 222000, China
Keywords: digital intelligence technology; college physical education; digital intelligence empowerment; conceptual connotation; role mechanism.


From the perspective of digital intelligence technology in its broad and narrow senses, this paper explains that digital intelligence technology provides an important impetus for change in the modernization of college sports and expresses the human-centered core of modern teaching. It proposes a teaching methodology based on the four pillars of system goals, digital intelligence empowerment, teaching application and classroom subject. By constructing a theoretical framework, it systematically explores how digital intelligence technology empowers the current teaching of college sports, thus revealing its conceptual connotation and mechanism of action. The analysis found that 69% of the students believed that the knowledge they acquired after using digital intelligence technology in theory classes increased. Therefore, digital intelligence technology empowers the modern teaching of college sports, which can effectively promote the development of education informatization.

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