Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Exploration of the level of coupled and coordinated development of digital industrialization and industrial digitization

Xin Liu
School of Economics and Management, Zhengzhou Normal University, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450044, China
Keywords: digital industrialization; evaluation index; coupling coordination degree model; entropy value method; data matrix.


This paper selects relevant indicators to construct the evaluation index system for the coordinated development of digital industrialization and industrial digitization, and explores the coordinated development level of digital industrialization and industrial digitization by using the coupled coordination degree model. After constructing the evaluation index system of digital industrialization and industrial digitization, the entropy value method is used to measure the comprehensive development level of digital industrialization and industrial digitization, and the coupling degree of subsystems is calculated based on the measurement of the degree of interaction between systems by the constructed initial data matrix. It is verified that the coupling coordination degree steadily increases to 0.752 in 2018-2019, while the value of the coupling coordination degree is 0.950 in 2020, indicating that digital industrialization and industrial digitization are in a highly coupled and coordinated stage, and digital industrialization and industrial digitization are developing synergistically and advancing to a new higher level of coupled systems.

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