Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

"Understanding The Impact Of Childhood Sexual Abuse And Child Maltreatment On Non-Suicidal Self-Harm: The Mediating Role Of Self-Blame In Young Adults Of Pakistan"

Faiza Naeem
Fazila Mehdi
Rabiya Amer
Maryam Ashfaq
Kamran Sher
Hina Usman
Yusra Tarique Jamall
Sajida Anwer
Keywords: self-injury, child abuse, self-harm, college students, self-blame, childhood sexual abuse.


The current study examines the relationship between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), with a specific focus on the mediating role of self-blame among college students. Conducted as a correlational study, data were collected from 2,926 students from various districts across Pakistan, including Faisalabad, Sialkot, Bahawalpur, Rahim Yar Khan, Karachi, Multan, Mirpur, and Quetta. Participants, aged 16 to 24, were drawn from different universities and postgraduate colleges to ensure more accurate self-reporting. Data collection occurred over a span of ten months, from December 2021 to September 2022. To screen for sexual abuse, two items from a brief screener (Thombs, Bernstein, Ziegelstein, Bennett, & Walker, 2007) were utilized: (a) “When I was growing up, people in my family hit me so hard that it left me with bruises or marks,” and (b) “When I was growing up, someone tried to touch me in a sexual way or tried to make me touch them.” In addition, the Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory (DSHI; Gratz, 2001). Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) (Bernstein et al. 1997) and Brief COPE questionnaire (Carver, 1997) were administered to assess self-harming behaviors and coping strategies.Analyses revealed a significant relationship between CSA and CTQ the presence and frequency of NSSI. Moreover, findings supported that self-blaming serve as a mediator between childhood sexual abuse and non-suicidal selfinjury. While the study provides critical insights into the psychological processes underlying self-harm in victims of CSA, a major limitation is that only educated individuals were included, potentially limiting the generalizability of the findings to the broader population.

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