Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Assessing The Impact Of Green Structures On Health And Well-Being: The Construction Of A Decision-Making Tool For The Metropolis Of Annaba

Nassira Noui
Amine Benzerara
Rouag Saffidine Djamila
Keywords: Health, well-being, green structure, environmental performance, sustainability, indicator grid, Ananba.


This study examines the influence of green structures on the health and well-being of users in the city of Annaba, Algeria. A multidimensional grid of indicators is employed to assess three areas: the city center, the outskirts, and the suburban extension. The indicators analysed include accessibility, safety, biodiversity, aesthetics, and connectivity, with the objective of determining their influence on the quality of life and satisfaction of the inhabitants. The findings demonstrate that green structures in the city center are more effective in terms of connectivity, accessibility, and quality of infrastructure, which contributes to their high level of attractiveness. Conversely, green spaces in peripheral and suburban extension areas show deficiencies in connectivity and accessibility. However, they remain popular due to their role in fostering sociability and perceived safety by users. The study emphasises the need for a differentiated approach to enhance the governance of green structures in each area. Key recommendations include improving the connectivity of green spaces in the outskirts, reinforcing security measures, and creating community facilities to promote social attractiveness. Additionally, it is recommended to establish environmental education programmes to encourage active citizen participation. Ultimately, the implementation of continuous performance monitoring systems for green structures will allow local authorities to adapt their policies more efficiently and sustainably.

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