Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Real Time Flight Simulator Data Communication For Co-Simulation

Muhammad Ibrar
Saif Ur Rehman
Hamid Gulzar
Tahir Zaidi
Tuba Ahsan
Zahid Gulzar
Muhammad Umar Nazir
Keywords: Autonomous control of flight, Autopilot systems, MATLAB/Simulink integration, QGroundControl interface, FlightGear and Xplane simulations, Virtual flight testing, Software-in-the-loop (SIL) and Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing.


Testing airplane models in a flight environment and their realistic virtual testing of control systems in 3D is gaining popularity In a way that prioritizes safety and cost savings approach for evaluation and analysis. The initial part of the article presents a broad perspective and comparison of the leading flight simulators for PCs that have been successfully linked with MathWorks software, examining their strengths and weaknesses. Co-simulation enables the integration of flight simulation software's advanced simulation and visualization capabilities with MATLAB toolboxes' expertise in navigation, control, and sensor modeling, creating a robust and comprehensive simulation environment. Following this approach, one can utilize flight data to identify and validate aircraft models, assess the performance of control algorithms, and evaluate the handling qualities of aircraft, enabling a more comprehensive understanding of flight dynamics. There is a significant absence of comprehensive, comprehensive manual for flying co-simulation, and surprisingly, no one has yet attempted to conduct a thorough comparison of various flight co-simulation methods in a single, unified effort. As a result, we have developed and share our own extensive Simulink co-simulation lessons, showcasing integrations Featuring three widely used virtual flight trainers: FlightGear, Xplane, and Alphalink's Virtual Flight Test Environment (VFTE), providing a valuable resource for those looking to implement co-simulation in their work. The three co-simulation setups, tailored to specific aircraft types, leverage the Connectionless data transfer protocol in real-time for effective data transport, making interaction as easy as possible between the simulation components. Co-simulation between Simulink and Xplane produced effective testing of virtual flights of a Cessna-172 aircraft, precisely tracking height and speed variations while preserving stability in a variety of wind circumstances, a significant accomplishment considering the aircraft's single-propeller design. Furthermore, Simulink's integration with FlightGear and QGroundControl via MAVLink enabled realistic simulation of a Rascal-110 UAV's flight, highlighting its potential for medium-endurance UAV applications. This setup enables precise tracking of the UAV's lateral path on a map, facilitating the evaluation of MATLAB-based 6-DOF UAV models. Moreover, Simulink's integration using software-in-the-loop (SIL) simulation, QGroundControl makes it possible to test sophisticated H-infinity observer-based autopilots and achieve reliable low-altitude flying in windy circumstances. Furthermore, Simulink is integrated with the Virtual Flight Test Environment (VFTE) to replicate the operation of a ZOHD Nano Talon MAV, taking use of the VFTE's customized architecture for this more compact UAV system.

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