Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

“Reformatory Aspects of Prophet’s First Khutbah Jummah in the light of Quran and Sunnah”

Dr. Faizan Hassan Javed
Sadia Noreen
Sadia Kirn
Keywords: Prophet, Khutbah, Jummah, Sermons, Reformations, Seerah.


The sermons of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the ultimate source of guidance on how to live in a righteous way. Capturing the ethos of Islam, First Khutbah Jummah provides Muslims a great lens for viewing the reformatory aspects of religion. The sermon was delivered in the locality of the Banu Saalim bin Auf on the occasion of the first Jummah salaah (Friday Prayer) in Madinah. Sermon is consisting of summarized exhortations based on some core teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. It has been a goal of this article to examine the reformatory aspects of prophet’s first khutbah Jummah. The Prophetic sermons are profound, valuable, and distinctive. His sermons are delivered in an original, reasoned, and audience-appropriate manner. Because of this, preachers must adhere to the Prophet's Sharia in order to deliver their sermons (PBUH). While focusing on the fundamental touchstones of Taqwa, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in His First sermon gives a message of Upholding Taqwa in your public and private matters, taking care of Allah’s Rights, Be Obedient to Allah and Prophet (PBUH), Be good to others, Strive with Courage in the way of Allah and so on.

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