Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Pioneering Precision In Dairy Health: A Novel Approach To Bovine Mastitis Assessment Through B-Mode And Doppler Ultrasonography

Obaid Muhammad Abdullah
Sadaf Aslam
Khushboo Sehar
Mubashir Ali Khalique
Shahzad Ahmad
Sajid Mahmood Sajid
Sajjad Ahmed
Abdul Aziz
Maham Tariq
Faisal Rasool
Areesha Arkan
Keywords: Mastitis, Ultrasonography, Teat parameters, Lymph nodes, Dairy cows.


This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of ultrasound in detecting changes in teat and supra mammary lymph node parameters in dairy cows with mastitis. The study focused on teat width, teat wall thickness, teat canal length, and supra mammary lymph node size, using ultrasound to scan 48 udder quarters and 28 lymph nodes of sub-clinical, and clinical groups respectively. The findings revealed that ultrasonography can identify clinical mastitis and provide valuable additional information on the udder's condition. Mastitis caused a considerable thickening of the teat wall and a loss of anechoic zones in the cistern. In contrast, the lymph nodes on the mammary gland's bacteriologically positive side were significantly larger and more hypoechogenic than those on the opposing side. The study concludes that ultrasound can be a useful tool in diagnosing mastitis in dairy cows and in evaluating the health of the mammary gland.

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