Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

An Unseen Stress Of Biometrics Attendance Punching Amongst Executive Employees, A Case Study Of Healthcare Workers In Private Hospitals.

Dr. Salman Sarwar
Dr. Zaffar Mueen Nasir
Dr. Maniyarasi Gowindasamy
Dr. Usman Ahsan
Dr. Syed Abdul Kadir
Dr. Khalid Abdo Qaid Naji
Keywords: Biometric Attendance Punching, Electronic Monitoring, Demographic Variables, Job Stress.


Time-centered services from healthcare executive employees are creating stress for the intellectual professionals in private hospitals, Pakistan. Performance of the healthcare employees is measured through biometrics attendance punching in most of the medical and healthcare units across Pakistan. Healthcare employees are supposed to serve during the prescribed time in the workplace and the Human Resources manager monitors it with the help of biometric punching system. Biometric attendance and the salary of the employees are linked in almost all the private healthcare organizations. This study has offered to consider and contribute in a relatively unexplored area. There seem to be very few studies of stress due to Biometric punching available. The study was conducted among 154 healthcare professionals’ employees in private medical colleges and hospitals, Lahore, Pakistan to identify the Relationship between Demographic Variables of the healthcare employees and Job Stress Due to Biometric Attendance Punching. The study identified that most of the healthcare employees working in private medical and healthcare units are facing stress due to the implementation of biometric attendance system. It was identified that stress level of healthcare employees due to biometric attendance is independent of educational qualification, experience, age and department in which employees are working but it is associated with the gender of the employees. Executive level employees are found to be more stressful than operational level employees.

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