Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Advanced Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer in MHD Flow Over a Stretching Sheet with Radiative Effects Using the Shooting Method

Sadia Irshad
Shah Jahan
Eduardo García Villena
Henry Fabian Gongora
Muhammad Hussain Ali
Keywords: MHD, Heat and Mass Transfer, Stretching Sheet, Shooting Method, Radiation.


Purpose- The main focus of this investigation is to study heat and mass transfer dynamics in the field of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) boundary layer flow using the shooting method. Understanding these mechanisms is important for optimizing MHD systems in various engineering domains such as materials processing, aerospace, and energy.

Design/Approach/Methodology- The study employs the shooting technique, a powerful numerical tool, to solve complex equations related to heat transfer and fluid dynamics in MHD flows. Through this method, the research seeks to understand velocity, temperature, and concentration profiles. The study also uses parametric analysis to explore the complex relationships affecting mass and heat transfer rates, considering variations in Prandtl number, magnetic field intensity, and Schmidt number.

Findings- The numerical solutions provide insights into velocity, temperature, and concentration profiles within the MHD boundary layer flow. The parametric analysis reveals complex linkages that influence mass and heat transfer rates. Factors such as Prandtl number, magnetic field intensity, and Schmidt number significantly affect these rates.

Originality/value- The research highlights the combined effects of fluid behavior, magnetic effects, and thermal-mass exchange. These insights will assist designers in creating more sustainable and effective MHD systems. The findings are valuable for enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of MHD applications in various engineering fields.

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