Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Efficacy Of ICT Based Intimate Partner Violence Intervention; A Systematic Review

Dr. Syeda Razia Bukhari
Ms. Asma Razzaq
Ms. Namrah Fatima
Ms. Sidra Batool
Dr. Taraq Waheed Khan
Keywords: Intimate partner violence, IPV, domestic violence, mental health, physical violence, technology-based interventions, Information & Communication Technology, ICT, systematic review, efficacy, effectiveness.


Objective: Goal of this systematic review is to evaluate efficacy of ICT-based interventions in preventing and addressing intimate partner violence, taking into account the impact on awareness, support services, counseling, and overall outcomes for individuals experiencing or at risk of intimate partner violence.

Methods: The systematic review was taken by screening recent articles of ICT based intervention. 

Results: Technology-based therapies show potential in lowering mental health consequences and physical violence victimization among female IPV survivors.

Conclusion: The study demonstrates that technology-based therapies have potential in treating mental health and reducing physical violence among female IPV survivors, highlighting the importance of ongoing research and individualized methods.

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