Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

School Leaders’ Emotional Intelligence And Followership Among The Teachers

Shamas Suleman Arshad
Refah Aldawsari
Mehmood Ahmed
Ume Kalsoom
Keywords: school leadership, emotional intelligence, well-being, self-control, emotionality, sociability, teachers’ followership.


At the premises of educational institutions, the working relationship between the leaders and the teachers is crucial for institutional progress. However, the working relationship-related situation in schools is apparently not thriving. This indicates a possible flaw among the school leaders or their followers. However, emotional intelligence for leaders is critical for developing an effective relationship with their followers. Therefore, the current study examined the relationship of school leaders’ emotional intelligence with followership among the teachers. Correlational-survey design was employed following the positivistic assumption of the research. Multi-stage random sampling was used to select 192 schools and 1536 teachers. The data were collected using two scales from which emotional intelligence scale was adapted, whereas, the scales on teachers’ followership was developed. Correlation-based results indicate a significant positive correlation between four components of school leaders’ emotional intelligence and four factors of teachers’ followership. Results revealed that four factors of teachers’ followership are significantly explained through school leaders’ emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence for the school leaders and followership for the teachers may be focused while selection and professional development programs.

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