Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Influence Of Gender Disparities On Learning Outcomes In Mathematics: Mediating Effect Of Students' Academic Performance And Moderating Effect Of Adaptive Platform Environment

Sara Kanwal
Tahir Kamran
Tariq Rafique
Muhammad Mohsin
Keywords: Gender Disparities, Learning outcomes, Academic Performance, Adaptive platform environment.


Introduction: This study examines the complex relationships between gender disparities, learning outcomes, and educational performance expectancy in Pakistan's academic performance. It goals to offer insights into the dynamics shaping instructional consequences and the function of various factors, such as gender disparities and academic overall performance, in influencing gaining knowledge of effects.

Objectives: This research has 3 objectives. H1 implies gender differences help learning. Gender inequality improves learning, according to research. Educational systems are difficult, especially in Pakistan due to gender discrepancies. Reducing these inequalities could improve education. H2 proposes that academic performance expectancy (APE) moderates gender inequalities in learning. APE does not independently predict learning results, but statistical studies suggest it influences them. This shows how complex elements affect educational success. H3 links gender differences in academic performance to learning outcomes. Academic performance positively impacts gender gaps and learning outcomes. Translating gender inequalities into educational results requires academic performance.

Adaptive Mathematics Platform (PAM) and Learning Outcomes: The look at evaluates the Adaptive Mathematics Platform (PAM) and its impact on mathematical information acquisition amongst number one school youngsters. Longitudinal facts analysis famous extensive improvements in gaining knowledge of effects, suggesting the potential value-effectiveness of the PAM method.

Integration of Educational Technology: The look at additionally highlights the importance of instructor engagement and external elements in maximizing the advantages of educational technology integration. It emphasizes the complementary position of era in augmenting teachers' sports and enhancing educational support for kids.

Conclusion: These findings underscore the complexity of instructional dynamics and spotlight the significance of addressing gender disparities and academic overall performance in tandem to foster more equitable and powerful studying environments. Further studies exploring the underlying mechanisms and implications for instructional regulations and interventions is warranted to narrow instructional gaps and promote inclusive schooling.

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