Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Impact Of Wide Balls On The Results Of T-20 International Cricket

Abdul Majid
Qamruz Zaman
Seema Zubair
Syed Habib Shah
Abdurrahman Sabir
Sana Gul
Keywords: T-20 cricket, Wide ball, Factors, ANOVA, Chi-Square.


This study examines the impact of wide balls on T-20 cricket matches, analyzing data from post-COVID-19 fixtures including World Cup, Asia Cup, and series games. Data collection utilized a detailed proforma to record each wide ball's occurrence and associated factors. Wide balls contributed about 13% to runs margin and 30% The balls remaining margin. Fast bowlers, particularly fast-medium types, were most likely to deliver wide balls, predominantly on the leg side. Statistical analysis showed significant differences in wide ball frequencies between innings and match types, with tournament matches displaying more cautious bowling. The study highlights the substantial role of wide deliveries in match outcomes and strategic adjustments based on the type of match and bowler characteristics.

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