Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Legal Protection Of Electronic Contracting In Algerian Legislation

Atmane Houideg
Selkh Mohammed Lamine
Keywords: Consumer, Electronic Contracting, Hidden Defects, Exposure, Entitlement, Conforming Delivery, Right of Withdrawal, Algerian Legislation..


In light of the recent transformations in the global economy and the emergence of electronic methods in commercial transactions, such as the ease of contracting between producers and consumers for providing services or selling goods and products, which now conceal flaws and contain risks threatening the security, health, and safety of consumers in its broadest sense, it has become imperative for legislators to seek alternative methods that are more effective in providing protection for consumers in the digital realm. This reality has demonstrated the inadequacy of traditional theories of obligations in protecting consumers, leading legislators to recognize the necessity of protecting the weaker party in this contractual relationship. Consequently, new legal texts have been introduced as alternatives to general rules, adding new guarantees for consumer protection, such as the right to information during the negotiation and execution phases of the contract, the right to receive goods that conform to agreed-upon conditions, as well as the right to withdraw and seek assistance from dedicated protection bodies. This article will discuss the legal protection afforded by legislators to consumers in electronic contracting in light of specific and recent legal texts.


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