Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Statistical Modeling Of The Performance Of All-Rounders In Female Test Cricket

Qamruz Zaman
Seema Zubair
Mansoor Ahmad
Sundas Hussain
Sofia Gul
Syed Habib Shah
Abdur Rehaman Sabir
Keywords: Multinomial logistic regression, Chi-square test, Batting and Bowling of females, Female, test match..


This study aimed to identify factors affecting the performance of women all-rounders in test cricket and examine the impact of bowling, batting, and wicket-keeping all-rounders on match outcomes. Logistic regression was employed to compare the performance of all-rounders with non-all-rounders, focusing on binary outcomes. The Chi-square test, using R² for goodness of fit, helped in model selection. All-rounders were categorized into wicket-keeper, bowling, and batting roles, with multinomial logistic regression used to assess performance differences. Significant factors included home-ground advantage, batting average, number of wickets, and first-innings performance. Batting and bowling all-rounders outperformed wicket-keepers.

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