Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Impact Of STEM Education on Creativity of University Students

Dr Rabia Tabassum
Dr Sabiha Iqbal
Anam Haneef
Merha Yaseen
Dr Rifat Tahira
Kausar Rasheed
Dr Saira Taj
Minahil Ahmed
Keywords: STEM Education, Creativity, Problem Solving Skills, Higher education.


This research investigated the impact of STEM education on the creativity of students, focusing on understanding how Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics disciplines influenced creative thinking among learners. The objectives of the study included assessing the extent to which STEM education enhanced creative skills and identifying factors within STEM curricula that contributed to fostering creativity. A descriptive research methodology was employed to explore the relationship between STEM education and creativity. The study utilized a quantitative approach, employing questionnaires to gather data on students' creative abilities. The study targeted undergraduate students enrolled in STEM programs across diverse educational institutions in a public university, encompassing a sample size of 300 participants. Data collected through questionnaires were analysed using statistical methods, including descriptive statistics and inferential techniques, to examine correlations and patterns related to creativity in STEM education. The research revealed a significant positive correlation between participation in STEM activities and the development of creative skills among students. Specifically, engagement in interdisciplinary projects and hands-on learning experiences emerged as critical factors contributing to enhanced creative thinking abilities. Based on the findings, recommendations included integrating more interdisciplinary approaches within STEM curricula, enhancing professional development opportunities for educators in creative pedagogies, and advocating for policies that support equitable access to STEM education for diverse student populations. Overall, the study underscored the importance of STEM education in nurturing creativity among students, suggesting that fostering a conducive learning environment with innovative teaching strategies empowered learners to become adaptive problem-solvers and innovative thinkers in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

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