Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Unveiling Digital HR Landscapes: Insights From Comparative Analysis And Market Trends

Dr. Shahbaz Hussain
Afshan Bibi
Sobia Anwer
Muhammad Adil
Tariq Rafique
Keywords: Technology, human resource management, digitization are some of the keywords.


Objective: This study aims to investigate the current landscape of digital human resource (HR) services in Pakistan and other countries, focusing on their adoption by contemporary firms engaged in HR management. The research seeks to illuminate the digitization of HR management systems and promote scholarly engagement in further exploration of this dynamic field.

Methods: Employing a research methodology that encompasses the analysis of existing literature and online resources related to HR digitization, this study also involves an examination of popular HR management systems in the Pakistani market. A comparative analysis is conducted on three specific HR management systems: Success Factors, Moy Grafik, and Time TRACKER. Essential information gleaned from these sources is juxtaposed to derive insightful comparisons.

Results: The findings underscore a considerable demand for digital HR management resources. However, their practical implementation in contemporary firms appears to be inadequate. The study highlights a notable gap between the availability of digital HR solutions and their integration into real-world HR practices, suggesting potential areas for further research and development in this domain.

Conclusion: This research underscores the significance of exploring and leveraging digital HR management services in modern organizational contexts. Bridging the divide between demand and utilization of these resources is imperative for enhancing HR efficiency and effectiveness. The study calls for sustained scholarly attention and practical implementation efforts to advance digital HR solutions in alignment with evolving organizational needs.

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