Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Implications Of The AI Arms Race On International Security And Peace In Light Of Practical Practices And Legal And Ethical Issues

Dr. Amal Zerniz
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, AI Arms Race Implications, International Security and Peace, Military Competition, Legal and Ethical Issues.


Recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) indicate that this emerging technology will inevitably have a transformative impact on military power, strategic competition, and global politics on a broader scale. This will provide more room for nations to engage in an AI arms race in their quest for strategic superiority. This study aims to examine and analyze the implications of the AI arms race on international security and peace, considering the interconnected legal and ethical issues related to military applications of AI. The study explores the motivations behind the AI arms race and its impact on reshaping the dynamics of international military competition, identifies the legal and ethical issues associated with military applications of AI, and examines efforts to regulate the military use of AI in light of the implications of the AI arms race on international security and peace. The study concludes that this race poses a significant challenge to international security and peace given the risks and challenges it presents in the absence of any concrete regulatory mechanism to address the legal and ethical issues associated with the use of AI in the military domain amid intense strategic competition, particularly regarding the development and deployment of autonomous weapons. This necessitates the search for solutions and alternatives to ensure the responsible use, development, and deployment of these technologies.

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