Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Synergizing Sustainability: Green HRM and Green SCM Impacting Business Performance (Reflections through Supply Chain Traceability and Eco-centricity)

Maawra Salam
Bashir Ahmad
Keywords: Green SCM Practices, Supply Chain Eco-centricity, Supply Chain Traceability.


Sustainable supply management has become important for improving business performance. Therefore, management needs to understand the factors that increase performance in this area. This article examines how two specific functions of sustainable sourcing (environment and procurement) affect the sustainable performance of corporate sector. Data was collected from 453 textile companies in Pakistan and analyzed using questionnaires. The findings of this study show that green supply chain management (GSCM) has a positive impact on business performance. Also, high levels of environmental and supply chain involvement strengthen the relationship between GSCM and performance. Surprisingly, high levels of outsourcing were found to harm GSCM relationships. The study used a cross-sectional survey-based design. Future research will utilize longitudinal studies to examine the long-term effects of GSCM practices on performance. This article supports the idea that GSCM practices increase performance diversity. It suggests that investigations in collaboration with a wide range of ecosystem partners (eccentricity) and improving the supply chain can lead to better environmental outcomes. Managers are encouraged to take a closer look at how they think about and monitor their supply chains. The article makes substantial contributions to this field of research. Firstly; it develops and validates a scale to measure Eco-centricity and provides a chain of control. Thereafter, it shows how these two variables specific to supply chain sustainability can have a positive impact on companies’ performance.

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