Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Self-Compassion, Confidence-level and Self-Efficacy Among Adolescents Students

Pro. Dr. Riaz Ahmad
(Assistant Pro) Dr. Nida Anwar
(Associate Pro) Dr. Hina Imran
(Assistant Pro) Dr. Sanobar Khanum
(Assistant Pro) Dr. Sajid Iqbal Alyana
Keywords: Self-efficacy, self-compassion, confidence level.


The current study aimed to examine the link between self-compassion, confidence level and self-efficacy among adolescent’s students in Pakistan. Being compassionate toward oneself when one feels inadequate, unsuccessful, or suffering in general is known as self-compassion. A person's confidence in their capacity to succeed is known as self-efficacy. Confidence is boosted when challenging but attainable goals are accomplished.  Throughout the transitional years of adolescence, self-compassion may play a role in protecting self-efficacy in the face of failure. After a detailed study of the existing literature the following hypotheses were formulated for this study: 1) Self-compassion will predict self-efficacy among adolescents. 2) Confidence-level will be a mediator in the relationship between self-compassion and self-Efficacy among adolescents. The sample N=434 (n=233 males, n=201 females) college students for this study were selected using a random selection technique from various educational institutions in Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. The research variables were measured using the Self Compassion Scale, Academic behavioral confidence scale, and General self-efficacy scale. Using SPSS version 26, descriptive statistics and multiple regression were employed to analyze the proposed hypotheses of this study. Positive and significant correlations were found between Self- compassion and Self-efficacy (r=.514, p.01) and between Self-compassion and confidence level (r=0.226, p.01).

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