Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Expression Analysis of miR-132, miR-182, miR-124, miR-let7b and miR-let7c in Patients with Depression

Dr Shamaila Wadud
Dr Sadia Fatima
Dr Rubina Nazli
Dr Roshan Ali
Dr Muhammad Irfan
Keywords: MicroRNAs, depression, real time PCR and expression analysis.


Objective: The aim of this research is to analyze the impact of miRNA-mediated regulation on individuals with depression Methodology: This analysis is a segment of a randomized controlled trial organized at Mercy Teaching Hospital in Peshawar, involving 102 patients diagnosed with depression. The trial began in February 2019 and concluded in November 2019, spanning a period of ten months. Peripheral blood samples were collected from all participants, with an additional sample taken after 12 weeks of antidepressant treatment. Laboratory investigations included quantifying miRNA levels. Total blood RNA was drawn out, utilizing the Trizol method, and the levels of miRNA-132, miR-182, miR-124, miR-let7b, and miR-let7c were measured using real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The expression analysis of miRNAs before and after treatment were evaluated using an independent sample t-test. A p-value, of below 0.05 were reflected as statistically significant.

Results: Patients with depression exhibited significantly elevated levels of plasma miRNA-132, miRNA-182, and miRNA-124. During the pre-tests, miRNA-132 showed a 2.96-fold increase, miRNA-182 exhibited a 2.90-fold increase, and plasma miR-124 displayed a 1.90-fold increase. However, following treatment, a decrease to 1.38, 1.32, and 1.22-fold respectively. When comparing the next two, miR-let7b exhibited a reduction of 0.72-fold, while miR-let7c decreased by 0.78-fold during the initial tests. However, after three months of antidepressant treatment, miR-let7b changed to 0.68, and miR-let7c increased to 0.93.

Conclusion: MicroRNAs have a crucial function in the pathophysiology of depression and could potentially serve as a valuable indicator for diagnosing and predicting depression by analyzing microRNA levels in relevant tissues.

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