Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Impact Of Insulin Injection Methods On Glycemic Control In Diabetic Patients

Jetender Maheshwari
Jamal Shah
Noor Sardar
Hajra Mateen
Sara Javed
Ali Nawaz Bijarani
Rameez Akhtar
Nusrum Iqbal
Keywords: Insulin, Patients, DM, Therapy, Injecting.


Introduction: Insulin therapy, a cornerstone of diabetes management, requires precise administration techniques to ensure optimal absorption and efficacy.

Objectives: So, the basic aim of the study is to find the impact of insulin injection methods on glycemic control in diabetic patients.

Methodology of the study: This retrospective observational study was conducted at Medicine Department, Kutyana Memon Hospital, Karachi from 2021 to 2023.A total of 310 patients suffering from diabetes were included for data collection. Patient data, including demographic information, medical history, insulin therapy regimen, and glycemic control parameters, were collected from electronic medical records. Glycemic control parameters included, HbA1c levels, fasting blood glucose and postprandial glucose levels. Insulin injection techniques were assessed through patient self-reporting, healthcare provider documentation, and visual inspection of injection sites.

Results: Adherence to recommended practices was significantly associated with lower HbA1c levels (p < 0.01), indicating better long-term glycemic control among those who followed proper techniques. Conversely, rotation of injection sites showed no significant correlation with glycemic control parameters (p > 0.05). Additionally, there was a positive correlation between proper injection depth and fasting blood glucose levels (p = 0.03). Conclusion: Proper insulin injection techniques are essential for achieving optimal glycemic control in diabetic patients.

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